CBC is a timeshare where you can own your own unit. The CBC timeshare arrangement gives you a formal deed to a specific unit and week each year, a great way to have a wonderful Florida vacation right on the beach every year at an affordable price. Annual maintenance fees are generally much lower than what you would pay for a hotel or rental property. A number of unit weeks are generally available for sale throughout the year.
Sales of CBC units is handled by T.J. Bryant. T.J. will explain more about timeshare ownership, help you think through whether it makes sense for you, and answer any questions you may have.
A PDF file of the current list of units for sale can be downloaded here.
This list is updated periodically, so check back if you are looking for a particular week, and refresh your browser (Ctrl-R or F5) to make sure you get the latest version.
If you are an owner and want to list your unit for sale, contact TJ. He is ready to handle all aspects of the transaction and find you a buyer.