Unit Rentals
Unit Rentals
If you are unable to use your unit week yourself, you can rent it to someone else. (You can also use Tricom’s Platinum Interchange program to exchange your week for another resort, or deposit it with a timeshare exchange like RCI or II, and use that deposit to trade for a week at another resort.)
Your options for renting are to (1) rent it yourself to a friend, family member, or other CBC owner, (2) ask CBC to rent it for you, which we do for a fee, or (3) use on-line timeshare rental sites such as RedWeek or TUG, which also charge a fee.
Your maintenance fee must be paid in full before you can rent your unit (or deposit it with Platinum, RCI or II).
If you rent your week yourself, you must notify the resort office and tell them who will be checking in instead of you. (If you give your week to someone else to use, you must also call the office with those details.)
The groups.io email group for CBC owners is one way to find renters for your unit. You can post a message there seeking a week to rent or offering one of yours to others. Contact board member John Vary if you are not already a member of that group.
Asking CBC to rent your week is probably the easiest way to rent your unit. (Tricom administers the rental process.) To do that, you need to sign a rental agreement and specify the unit week you want to rent. If the unit rents, Tricom takes a share of the rental proceeds and also charges for cleaning, credit card fees, and other similar items. You will receive a check for the balance within 30 days of the end of the rental.
At the beginning of the following year you will receive an IRS 1099-MISC form reporting the net proceeds of your rental (or rentals if there were more than one), after subtracting the commission and fees that are charged from the rental amount collected. Note this is a change from past reporting practices for CBC rental income.
To give your unit to CBC to rent, you must complete the rental agreement form linked to below, complete the IRS form W-9 linked to below, and return them both to the resort by mail, FAX, or email with scanned attachment files. You should call the resort office to confirm receipt and other details.